School Lunch Program

School Meal Program

March: Cycle 7 Mar.3rd – Apr.4th 2025

April: Cycle 8 Apr.7th – May 2nd 2025 (1)

The Burnaby School District provides a hot lunch program at Taylor Park


Cycle #Cycle DatesPurchase DatesMenu



We encourage you to pay online via School Cash. This is a safer and more secure way.

School Cash – Paying School Fees Online Information

If you don’t have an account, the instruction is available here.



In a continual effort to reduce our carbon footprint, Taylor Park will no longer send home paper copies of the monthly lunch menu. (a savings of 500+ pages of paper!!) Instead we will post the menu on this page as soon as it becomes available. If there are any changes/updates to the menu, these will also be posted here.

Also, lunch envelopes will only be sent home with students who have previously been on the lunch program and those recently enrolled at Taylor Park. (saving 300+ envelopes each month!)

If your student(s) wish(es) to be on the program and you did not receive a lunch envelope, please ask your student to request one from their teacher or from the office. Or you may call the office and we happily send an envelope home with your student. 

Please use SchoolCash to pay for the program. 

Payment and orders must meet the deadline in order for your student(s) to be on the program.