At this time, high schools begin preparing for new students entering grade eight next year. Parents, please note that all Burnaby School District students in grade seven are automatically registered for grade eight based on their home address. Our Taylor Park catchment has some addresses that are part of the Byrne Creek catchment and some in the Burnaby South catchment. All grade seven students are expected to complete and return a course selection form based on their catchment high school. Byrne Creek and Burnaby South will be meeting with their catchment students from Taylor Park over the next few weeks. For students not in these catchment schools, we will provide course selection forms for Burnaby addresses. For students living in other cities and attending Taylor Park, they will need to register and complete course selection forms in their catchment schools.
Burnaby’s Secondary Schools offer so many opportunities for students to be inspired to reach their potential. Learning options include Career Education, French Immersion, Summit Programs, Sports Academies, BETA Mini-school for Highly Able Learners, AP courses, and the AP Capstone program. New programs for fall 2018 include a lacrosse academy, volleyball academy and three leading edge technology programs at Cariboo Hill. As well, Byrne Creek will also be offering a technology based STEAM program for grade eights. Students going into grades 8-12 and their parents are invited to attend our Secondary School Open House Events. They provide an opportunity to tour the schools, meet the staff and learn about optional programs and course selection. Parents of grade seven students are invited to attend information evenings for Burnaby High Schools. Parents of students receiving Learning Support and Educational Assistant support are invited to an additional session to answer any questions they have.
Parents that want to apply for a school other than their catchment need to complete and have a cross or out of district transfer request signed by the principal of their elementary school and then taken to the high school. These forms can be brought in starting February 1st. Forms submitted between February 1 – 28 will be given the same priority. Forms received after Feb. 28 will be considered once the other requests have been processed. The form then needs to be taken to the high school being applied for. School district policies and forms are on our district web site.